Ethics and legal notices

Journal of Sino-African Studies (JSAS) is an independent, international, peer-reviewed humanities and social sciences (HSS) journal. The Journal publishes three issues per year, freely available on its website. The journal is committed to an Ethical Publication Policy. We respect the ethical standards of the scientific community. Submitted manuscripts (corresponding to the editorial standards of the journal) are sent to at least two experts for blind review.

Anti-plagiarism policy
The journal does not tolerate any form of plagiarism (nor does it tolerate self-plagiarism). Generally speaking, plagiarism can be seen as copying an author’s work without quoting or mentioning them. To avoid confusion, authors are asked to follow the citation method mentioned in the journal’s editorial protocol. Manuscripts resulting from plagiarism are automatically rejected. Published articles must be original (contribute to the development of science).

Articles are immediately available to the public upon publication. Authors may immediately archive the final version of published articles in an institutional repository or on their personal website, provided that the article contains a link to the original article published on the Journal of Sino African Studies website. All published articles are made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Editor-in-Chief :

Dr Gonondo Jean


Pr Wang Lin

Dr Djiraro Mangue Célestine Laure

Dr Mercedes Victoria Andrés

Dr Guiaké Mathias

Access policy :Open Access

Periodicity : quarterly

Creation : 2022

Onligne : 2022

Publication languages :

French, English and Chinese.

Publication fees :

Submission — No. Publication fees –Yes (25.000frs CFA/330 RMB/50 USD).

Compte: APESA-APSAS ; Code: #150*47*512 466*amount#

Contact details : ; .



Headquarter: Cameroon-Maroua


Tel: (+237) 691 59 39 12/ 677 09 09 21

(+86) 132 4880 0064

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