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Journal of Sino-African Studies (JSAS)

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Authors guidelines

On the first page of the manuscripts should appear: The title (and subtitle) of the article (in French and English), the names of the authors, their affiliation, the abstracts (in French and English) and the keywords (in French and English) must appear on the first page of the manuscripts. .

Authors should present their affiliation as follows: Name of the institution (in full), country.

Example: University of Maroua, Cameroon.

The articles will respect the following rules:

  • Centaur font size 12 for body text, size 12 bold for headings, 10 for footnotes.

  • Line spacing (1.15).

  • Left and right justified margins.

  • Short quotations (less than four lines) in the body of the text between French inverted commas (“quotation”) and not English (“quotation”). Long quotes in a paragraph indented to the left in Centaur font size 10.

  • APA (7th edition) type reference in the text; bibliography (with full referencing) at the end of the article APA 7th edition.

  • No double line breaks between paragraphs

  • Limited use of footnotes

  • Short title with longer subtitles if necessary.

  • No italics, bolding or underlining in the text, except italics for book titles and words from languages other than the manuscript language.

  • An abstract (about 150 words) and 3 to 5 key words in French and English.

  • The bibliography will be based on the following model:

    • Djiraro Mangue, C. L., Nna, M., & Gonondo, J. (2021). Le Cameroun dans la CEMAC : entre Potentialités Socio-Economiques et Exercice du Leadership Sous-Régional. Revue Della/Afrique, 3(7), 189–205.

    • Gonondo, J. (2021a). Chinese language: An “economic foreign language” in Cameroon. In Enseignement des langues étrangères au Cameroun: Dimensions scientifique et sociopolitique d’une discipline.

    • Gonondo, J. (2021b). Confucius Institute and the Development of Chinese Language Teaching in Cameroon. Journal of Education and Practice, 12(3), 34–39.

Obligations of authors

  • They must present their completed research work accurately and objectively. The data contained in the manuscripts must be presented in an accurate and detailed manner. Incorrect statements are not accepted as they constitute unethical behaviour.
  • They submit original articles with significant input and good references.
  • They should not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal. Manuscripts already published or under review cannot be submitted.
  • Only those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, elaboration, execution or interpretation are authors. All those who have made significant contributions should be mentioned as co-authors. The corresponding author must ensure that all authors contribute as co-authors. He/she should also check that all co-authors have approved the final version of the article.
    NB : When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his or her previously published article, it is his or her obligation to notify the journal editor without delay and to cooperate with him or her in correcting the paper in the form of an erratum.

For more details on bibliographic and typographic standards, please consult the following downloadable document Authors’ guidelines.

Prepare your manuscript according to the following downloadable template: Template (Français) / Template (English) and send it to the following email addresses:




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